Sunday, May 17, 2009

A great day for me

Well today was definately one of the great days that have come into my life. I got back in touch with an old friend after about 7 years. It's crazy how sometimes times just gets away from you. I was in college, getting married, having my daughter, buying a house, and whatever else was going on at the time and just lost touch. Phone numbers and addresses change and it's hard to get back in contact. It was an accident that I found him, but I am so glad that I did. In my younger days he was always there for me. He's the one I would call to vent, or cry, or complain, or just to talk for hours to. You never heard a complaint out of him. No matter what time it was. Everyone should have a friend like that. It keeps you sane in times of depression, stress, and lonliness. And it makes you smile and happy to share with a great friend in times of happiness. The first time I talked to him in the 7 years that we were apart he said something that broke my heart. He said I left him. He said he lost his best friend. Then after talking for an hour he said I am the only person to make him smile in a long time. Now I'm mad at myself that I ever let my new life get in the way of my old life. You don't have to chose one or the other, you just have to find a way to combine the two. He needed me and I wasn't there. I'm sure there are times when I could really use his shoulder to lean on too. But nothing seems to have changed. We went right back into catching up and talking about old times and meething for lunch and meeting each others families and its almost like we didn't miss a thing. Like nothing changed. Friends really area precious part of life. You cannot drift through life friendless. And when you find a good one you really should never let them go.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Blog ever

Well, here we are. This will be my first blog post ever. I figure that since my life is pretty exciting and fun filled and even at times miserable and drama filled that I should start rambling my thoughts somewhere. This is the place. I hate writing, but I enjoy typing so here I am. I'm 25 years old living in miserable Nortwest Indiana. I recently got hitched (something that I thought I would NEVER do in a million years) and I have a beautiful 4 year old daughter. She keeps me sane most times and makes me want to crawl in a hole other times. I'm a huge animal lover. I have 3 dogs, a sulcata tortoise, koi fish, some tropical fish, and I am orphaning a baby squirrel. Welcome to my zoo! Everyone in life has to love something unconditionally. I chose animals. I think that I like some of them more than most people do. Yah, what does that tell you about me? Really I am a likeable person, but watch out....if I don't like you, you will know it. Without a doubt. Hmmm what else. I love flowers, gardening, loud music, abstract art, graffitti, tattoos, fast cars, snowboarding, traveling, walking on the beach at night, stars, the color pink, the color green, anything silver, diamonds (a girls best friend don't you know), movies, a good book, playing, my friends are my life, and cereal. I couldn't live without cereal. I will try anything once. And if I like it I'll do it a million times. My life is full of lots of sarcasm. Its one of the services I offer. I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home while my hubby works his ass off. Ahhhh it feels good. I get cabin fever at times though, so I get odd jobs here and there. I have a college degree..yes I know. Silly that I spent all that time and money and here I sit. Two more years and the little one will be off to school and I'll be off to a real job. Unless I decide to pop out a few more babies. We'll see. Well I think that I am going to stop rambling there. Hopefully next time I come back it will be with a great story. Toodalooo!
There's a pic of the little squirrel. He got washed up across the street from my friends house during all the flooding we have had. Please someone help me think of a name for him. He is only 5 weeks old and I will be keeping him until he can be released at 12 weeks. Wish us luck!